Friday, December 12, 2008


The minute I found out I was pregnant, I didn't jump for joy. I didn't call my husband. Instead, I ran upstairs to my bathroom, frantically displayed all of my cosmetics across the counter and began glamming myself up. That's right - after I was done bronzing, lashing, dewing, and glossing, I found my skinniest pair of jeans and my coolest top and quickly changed.

I was not going to be THAT frumpy pregnant woman who succumbed to pickles and ice cream and forgot how to dress herself.

Well, here I am, a year later and I have to tell you - I'm frumpy. I tried my hardest to stick to the "good" side of my closet; but, 40 extra pounds, pre-teen skin breakouts, and an insatiable craving for hot dogs will really suck the confidence out of you (believe it or not). I really tried to wear stylish clothes. I even bought really, really, really expensive maternity jeans so that I would maintain my cool.

It's hard to admit; but, when you bring that baby home, something inside you just gives in. There's only so much you can do in a day, and if you have to choose between eating, sleeping and dressing stylishly, it's easy to see which one will slip first.

My new wardrobe is awfully comfy. It's great when you can justify going out in public in your pajamas because "you're a new mom." It's even better that the women in your mommy group give you a high five because you chose a nap over blow drying your hair. Mommy Power!

I'm beginning to feel a little guilty and ashamed though, because at four months in I should really have a better grip. The things I wear would make Tim Gunn cringe and, in fact, I'm surprised I haven't been ambushed outside of Babies R Us by his style team for an emergency intervention. I imagine they'd say something like, "Lisa, we know you've been wearing the same socks for five days. It doesn't matter that no one sees you all day. You're beginning to smell and the neighbors are complaining."

Okay, okay - I'm not that bad. But I really have worn my pajamas in public several times. I know it's time for a change; but, after a year of elastic waistbands, sweaters with extra room in the belly area, and infinite forgiveness because you're a "new mom" it's so hard to change!

Today I'm wearing a new sweater. It's big and bulky and from Target, but it's NEW. So what that I still have my elastic pants on? 'm headed in the right direction.

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