Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Life is Swirling Around Me and I'm, like, "Ahhhh"

One of my friends in high school said this once, and it has stayed with me. I can't remember in what context she said it - we were probably lamenting about college essays or SAT's or which plaid flannel to wear. Wow. We just had no clue. As I look at this blog, and realize four months have gone by since my last entry, I can honestly say, "Life is swirling around me and I'm, like, AHHHHHHHHHHH"

In four months, Livija has:
- Grown 7, agonizing, painful (but gorgeous) teeth
- Learned to scoot, crawl, cruise and WALK
- Tackled not only rice cereal, prunes and "puffs"; but, avocado, rice and beans, tofu, tater tots, pears, peaches, strawberries, bananas, kiwi, mandarin oranges, applesauce, soy yogurt, graham crackers, fig newtons, pasta, and waffles
- Been diagnosed with dairy, barley and sunflower allergies
- Learned to say "Bye Bye" "Mama" and "Dada"
- Endured 2 chest x-rays, 1 neck x-ray, 1 blood draw, 1 EKG and several shots
- Figured out how to climb stairs, open cabinets and drawers, and drink her own bottle
- Tamed Napoleon into complete and utter submissiveness
- Become a huge fan of buses, Baby Einstein, motorcycles, and sneezes
- Switched from size 3 to size four diapers
- Abandoned the Jumperoo and Excerpooper

Not to mention, I went back to work, and Livija started "school"!

Now that we're both career women, there should be some interesting stories to share. I have one good one that I like to refer to as the "Poop Scandal of 2009"; but, it just stirs up bad memories so I'll let that one be for now...

It's good to be back to blogging. I know folks have been anxious for the most recent chronicles. I imagine there should be some good hilarity around the corner now that Livija is officially a "toddler"! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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